current news & Events
In-Person for SunDay Worship
You can watch our hybrid worship service live on our webpage at At Desert Palm, we aim to provide an extravagant welcome to all by ensuring that our worship service and campus are accessible. We offer Large print bulletins, Assistive hearing devices, an ADA-compliant restroom, and Accessible parking spaces.
Other Upcoming Events
A Moment for Mission
Sunday January 19th
Rev. Shea Darian will be providing a Moment for Mission during worship. (Rev. Shea would like to meet with our youth again during the budget meeting).
budget meeting
Sunday, January 19th (post church)
Rev. Shea would like to meet with our youth again during the budget meeting.
Soup Needed for Souper Bowl Sunday
Sunday, Feb. 9th, post church
It’s that delicious time of year: 'Souper' Bowl Sunday! Each year on Super Bowl Sunday our youth serve soup to raise funds for your related activities. The annual, tasty event is coming up on Sunday, Feb. 9th after church. Calling all soup makers! (And bread bringers, too.) Last year’s cash donation from this charitable event was $552 and went to the youth summer trip. Can we beat that amount this year? Mark your calendars and make your soup to share the second Sunday in February. Text or email Sonja is you’re willing to help out. 480-560-4305,
a moment for mission
Sunday, February 16th
Rev. Shea of "Doing Grief" has another Moment for Mission
Introductory Workshop
Sunday, February 16th, post church
Rev. Shea will be offering an introductory workshop to give us a feel for the types of small groups she facilitates. These include healing circles, story circles, and the integration of the arts.
The Mental Health Network
The UCC Mental Health Network wishes you a Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and a Happy New Year! While we hope that you all will stay safe, healthy, and joyous. We know that this year has generally been challenging for many of us, including those of us who live with mental health challenges, neurodiversity, and trauma. We have compiled a few tips and links to utilize as resources in navigating the holidays.
Tips for Coping and Staying Safe During the Holidays
- Managing Your Mental Health During the Holidays – NAMI Blog
- Surviving Painful Holiday Emotions – NAMI Blog
- Avoiding Holiday Stressors: Tips for a Stress-Free Season – NAMI Blog
- Coping with the Holidays When There is Mental Illness – NAMI Maryland
- 9 Keys to a Resilient Holiday – Psychology Today
- 10 Realistic Ways to Set Boundaries With Others During The Holidays – HuffPost
- Mindfulness & Meditations for the Holiday Blues – Headspace
- 8 Queer Tips To Get Through The Holidays
- Tips for Managing the Holiday Blues
- For those Who Find the Holidays Triggering
The 988 Lifeline provides 24/7, free and confidential support for people in distress, prevention and crisis resources for you or your loved ones, and best practices for professionals in the United States.
¡Los servicios de texto y chat de 988 Lifeline ya están disponibles en español! Haga clic aquí para obtener información sobre cómo acceder a todos los servicios en español.
Women’s Book Study
9:30-11:00 This group will meet ever first and third Thursday of the month. We'll be discussing the introduction and first chapter of Aging as a Spiritual Practice, by Lewis Richmond.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 892 2156 1211
Passcode: 664533
Caregiver Support Group
4:00-5:00 every second and fourth Tuesday of the month.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 847 2348 9375
Passcode: 983476
True colors
Attention all coloring book enthusiasts! Whether you're a child, teenager, adult, or adult at heart, we need your help. Our home-bound members are running low on colored pages, and we would be grateful for any contributions. If you would like to donate supplies or drop off pages, please contact Pat Quinnett at (480)818-2203. The recipients have expressed immense joy upon receiving our little works of art and have even requested that the creators sign their name on the back with "Colored by (your name)." Please take the time to share and spread the love of coloring!
15 years of
making a difference
This I-HELP program is celebrating 15 years of providing comprehensive emergency shelter in partnership with an array of faith organizations that provide nighttime facility access.
The I-HELP model serves as a cost-effective and scalable solution for ending homelessness. As the homeless population continues to rise, in turn, the volume of affected people unable to access services is also rising.
The I-HELP shelter program provides a safe place to sleep and a spectrum of services to prepare men and women for employment, financial stability, and permanent housing.
Today, you can sponsor one night of shelter and additional services for a man or woman in need for $35 and help us celebrate 15 years of making a difference.
Click here to learn more.
Secondary Title
At DPUCC, hospitality is a vital aspect of our ministry. We believe that coming together for COFFEE HOUR and engaging in conversations after Sunday worship is an excellent way to strengthen our church relationships.
Desert Palm Caregivers offer assistance to members of the Church, their immediate families, and those who actively participate in the Desert Palm UCC community. There are no financial requirements to receive these services, and they are provided free of charge. However, donations to Desert Palm UCC are appreciated. Please note that these services are dependent on the availability of volunteers.
TRANSPORTATION: take someone to and from medical and/or social service appointments within 15 miles of the person’s residence. No transportation for work, social activities, or shopping.
TEMPORARY EMERGENCY MEALS: provide dinners for up to 3 days in case of an emergency.
RESOURCES: information regarding additional services available in the community if our volunteers cannot provide assistance.
If you can provide occasional transportation and/or Meals, please contact one of the coordinators:
Marion Durham (
John Linda (
Jim Ewing (
Leslie Schefski (
Barbara Hofflander (
Ethel Utter (
Did you know that the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration manages approximately 200 call centers across the country? These centers are designed to provide support for those experiencing mental health crises or struggling with thoughts of suicide. It's great news that there's now a new phone number to access mental health emergency services - simply dial 988.
our ucc conference
in the loop
Find out what's new in this week's "In the Loop." To find out more about SWC lick on this link
Sunday worship
You can watch our hybrid worship service live on our webpage at If you missed a service and want to go back and watch the video, go to our youtube page and select "live." And please note we aim to provide an extravagant welcome to all by ensuring that our worship service and campus are accessible. We offer Large print bulletins, assistive hearing devices, an ADA-compliant restroom, and accessible parking spaces and a Braille bible.
New ways to watch our Sunday services:
New ways to watch our Sunday services:
(Note that you can subscribe and be notified when a new service is posted).
(This is where the service is live-streamed each Sunday at 9 am).
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Section Title
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