worship livestream

We invite everyone to join us for worship either in-person or online every Sunday at 9:00 a.m.  At Desert Palm, we aim to offer an inclusive and welcoming environment, which is why we provide large-print bulletins, Assistive hearing devices, an ADA-compliant restroom, and Accessible parking spaces to make our worship service and campus accessible to everyone.

open and affirming statement

you are welcome here

As members of Desert Palm Church, we strive to live as an Open and Affirming congregation of the United Church of Christ, with the help of God. We warmly welcome individuals of any sexual orientation and gender identity to fully participate in our church's life, membership, leadership, and employment. 

Furthermore, we commit to being a multicultural and intergenerational community, working toward dismantling all forms of separation between communities. Our goal is to celebrate and affirm our unity in Jesus Christ.

our ucc witness

Through our United Church of Christ denomination, we continue to foster, build and maintain our commitments as a congregation that chooses to live out God's unconditional love in bold ways.

Who We Are

We are a group of open-minded seekers interested in science, fond of tradition and open to the ever-unfolding, still-speaking voice of the Creator. Some of us believe in God as we have come to experience God. Our views of Jesus range from great respect to worship. Together we seek to deepen our understanding of life's spiritual depths, working for justice and healing in the world.

Music & the Arts

Through our Music and Arts programming, we are utilizing a variety of creative arts to educate, heal, unite, inspire, and bring the gospel alive in the hearts of our congregation and the  community at large.


Our faith community recognizes that we are in the midst of a great ecological crisis. In keeping with the creation-affirming wisdom of our tradition, we are committed to honoring and protecting the inherent rights of the Earth's living ecosystems to exist and thrive.  We believe that the old trope of "man against nature" must give way to a more integrated and mature understanding of nature's radical interdependence.

Follow us by clicking above.  In addition to worshipping here on our website we also offer worship and meaningful updates throughout the week on our Facebook page.